Usability Testing Round 2


Interview with Martin | 62 years old, Stroke Survivor.

Martin was able to onboard quickly, but communicated that he wanted a shorter onboarding process. Also, other stroke survivors would like fewer steps when logging in

  • Martin became a little bit confused in the game section, as to which games to select and how to move through them 

  • Martin also paused slightly during the user flow involving the exercises, but regained his orientation quickly and navigated that section well on further effort 

  • Martin wants only aspects of multiplayer and the ability to send messages/be social with other people in rehabilitation. He does not want extra tasks, coins, etc. His main tasks are completing his daily exercises and then the social/community aspect

Action Items After First Round of User Testing

  1. Onboarding | Shorten the process or add an option to enter an activation code (provided by the therapist). 

  2. Games | Merge games into today’s exercise. 

  3. Today’s exercise | Shorten navigation, make instructions (videos) optional / skippable length.

  4. Chat | Add chat with friends function.




Link to Interview video

Onboarding Process Shortenned

Merge games into today’s exercise. 

Add chat with friends function.




Usability Testing Round 2

Interview with Emma | mid-20’s, family member and caregiver to a stroke survivor.

Emma was able to complete all navigational scenarios to get to all major areas of the application 

  • Emma thought that having multiple ways to navigate to different sections of the app in the “profile” and “home screens” will be helpful (people with lower digital literacy may recognize one type of navigation, but not another) 

  • Emma did have a little trouble and a pause on the “calibration screen, not knowing what this function was or how it worked” 

  • Emma was confused about the difference between the “profile” and the “homescreen page”. 

  • She noticed they have similar information, but also noted that the elements on the “homescreen” page were more “gamified” and what would be expected in a game scenario, but might be harder to navigate for folks with lower digital literacy 

Action Items After First Round of User Testing

  1. Confused between profile vs. home room (A & B testing required in round 4 testing).

  2. Need to change wording/add more explanation for calibration.

  3. Add summary/explanation after clicking events.




Link To Interview video

Homescreen change

Merge games into today’s exercise. 

Add summary/explanation after clicking events


